Terms & Conditions


Whether it's your first time with us, or if you're wondering how to make the most of your spa day, we've put together this guide to make sure you have the best experience with us.


Before you book, think about how much time you have to spend with us. To get the most out of your visit, allow 15 minutes to arrive and change before your treatment and then at least 15 minutes afterwards to relax. Once you know how much time you have, the only other information we need to make your booking is whether you are looking for relaxation, to feel re-energised or simply for pure indulgence. We have something to suit every mood.

Making Your Booking

It’s best to book as far in advance as you can, especially for weekend treatments as these are our most popular times. Credit card details and pre-payments may be requested.

Your Consultation

An online consultation form may be sent on booking, we do advise to fill this in prior to arrival. Upon arrival you will change into your robe and slippers, your therapist will identify the right treatment for you, ask you questions about your lifestyle, stress levels, skin problems and treatments that you have had in the past.

Relaxation and Post Treatment

Your therapist will give you any specific advice after your treatment, and also on carrying on the good work back at home. Do take time out to relax after your treatment, as this will ensure you get the maximum benefit from the oils. Each relaxation area has loungers, magazine QR codes and complimentary beverages for you to enjoy.


Different terms and conditions will apply to groups of five or more and these will be confirmed to you at the time of your enquiry.

Health Conditions

Kindly advise us in advance if you have any health conditions, allergies or injuries that could affect your treatment choice. If you are on any medication, ongoing consultation or your medical history has changed following a previous visit, please make us aware.


We have specifically designed treatments which provide you with the peace of mind that your treatment is perfect for you.

Spa Etiquette

To ensure that our guests are able to relax and enjoy the tranquil and peaceful surroundings, please refrain from using your mobile phone. If you are visiting as a group, please be mindful of other guests.

Spa Attire

If you are using the gym or pool as part of your time in the spa, please remember to bring the appropriate footwear, clothing and swim wear to make the most of your visit. Robes and slippers are provided, however if you are staying in the hotel you may wish to arrive in your bedroom robe to help with your continued relaxation.


To help us and as a courtesy to other guests, please let us know as soon as you need to cancel a booking.

  • Full pre-payment is taken at the time of booking for all treatments and spa days.
  • A full 100% cancellation charge will be incurred for any treatments or spa days cancelled with less than 48 hours notice.

Brochure Accuracy

Although every effort has been made to ensure all rates and information in this brochure are accurate at time of going to print, we cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions and reserve the right to vary, amend or cancel any of the arrangements featured in this brochure should we find such alterations necessary.

Terms & Conditions of Spa Membership

Membership Application & Payment Options

This agreement is between yourself – the member – and Daniel Thwaites PLC – the company. To become a member of the Spa, you must complete a Membership Application and Agreement. You will need to provide a form of identification, proof of address and be asked to have a photograph taken. Your data will be stored and used in accordance with GDPR compliance. For full details of our privacy policy, please see below.

The Spa has the right to reject any application without giving any reason for doing so; in such cases any monies will be immediately refunded.

You must advise us immediately of any change of personal details.

The Spa reserves the right to offer short term memberships.

Commencement of membership will be from the date of payment of the annual admin fee. These conditions must be met before the new member is allowed to use the facilities.

The admin fee is non-refundable under any circumstances.

Payments may be made by monthly direct debit payable in advance. You will be required to complete a direct debit form available from the Spa, and you are obliged to make the minimum number of payments in line with your membership agreement.

You will be asked to complete a medical PARQ (Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire) upon joining the Spa and prior to taking part in any physical activities.

Membership may be withdrawn at any time at the discretion of the General Manager.

Membership of a specific Spa entitles the member to use other company Spa facilities. Please arrange with your own Spa Manager.

Full details of membership types and tariff are set out on the Spa tariff and are reviewed annually.

On an annual basis all Membership rates may automatically increase. If your membership rates are due to be increased by more than 5%, we will give at least 30 days written notice of the change. If paying annually, your membership fees will not change until your membership is renewed, however we reserve the right to change the offering without consultation.

Spa facilities may need to be closed temporarily for maintenance and refurbishment, refunds will not be considered under such circumstances.

Membership types are offered on either a monthly or annual membership, please refer to our website to see the options available, unless stated otherwise at individual hotels.

Membership Agreement & Cancellation Policy

If joining on a contract, you are committed to remain a Spa member for the duration of this agreement, unless your membership fees are increased by more than 5% (see membership Application and Payment Options)

If joining on an annual payment option, all payments are strictly non-refundable although can be transferred to friends or family upon payment of the admin fee.

30 day cancellation notice is required in writing and addressed to the Spa Manager to cancel your membership subscription. If the notification of cancellation falls outside of one full calendar month, the notice will begin from the 1st of the month after we have received your notice.

If you wish to cancel – we require a cancellation letter/email which must be addressed to the Spa Manager who will complete a cancellation form with you. Telephone or verbal cancellations will not be accepted.

Upon completion of your membership cancellation, the Spa Manager will provide you with a confirmation letter, which you should retain as a proof of cancellation.

Your subscription can be cancelled at the end of your contract by giving us a minimum of 30 days notice in writing, although your notice must end at the end of your 6-month membership agreement.

If the financial Terms and Conditions of membership are broken, outstanding monies must be paid direct to the Spa within 30 days of the initial notification.

Failure to pay any amount due under a membership agreement for a period of more than 30 days, may result in the company passing any outstanding debt to a third party company for collection. Please note – the reasonable costs (up to 30% of any outstanding payment) incurred in employing a third party company will be borne by you including costs of tracing you should you have changed your address without informing us.

Direct debit members will automatically have their membership renewed – annual members will be contacted to renew their memberships by letter/email.

Refunds relating to non-attendance will not be considered.

A membership freeze option of £10 per month may be available for long term illness, although these are at the discretion of the Spa Manager on presentation of a doctor’s note.

Membership freezes for any other reasons will be considered for a fee of £25 p/m, but is strictly for a minimum of one and a maximum of three consecutive months in any 12 month period.

Annual Memberships cannot be frozen.

Requests for refunds or extensions post illness will not be considered.

An administration fee is applicable on all membership options at a fee of £10 per membership alongside a £25 joining fee. If your membership is cancelled and you wish to rejoin the spa, the administration fee is required to reinstate.

Membership bolt-ons only available with certain membership types.

Important – Use of Your Information

The information held about you by Credit Reference Agencies may be linked to records relating to any person with whom you are linked financially. Read the Use of Associated Records below before you sign. We may instruct a third party company to search your records at Credit Reference Agencies who will add a ‘Footprint’ of this search to their record about you. This ‘Footprint’ will not be seen by other organizations that make searches. This and other information about you and those with whom you are linked financially may be used to make decisions about credit and credit related services such as insurance for you and members of your household, trace debtors and recover debt. Please telephone us on 01254 686868 if you want details of those Credit Reference Agencies from whom we obtain information about you. You have a legal right to these details. You have the right to receive a copy of the information we hold about you if you apply to us in writing.

Use of Associated Records

We may search records at Credit Reference Agencies which may be linked to records relating to your spouse/ partner or other persons with whom you are linked financially and other members of your household. For the purposes of this agreement, you may be treated as financially linked and you will be assessed with reference to ‘associated’ records. Please refer to the Spa website for full details on our Premium and Club Membership, Spa members Discount.

Pool/Whirlpool & Wet-side Facilities

Full instructions for use of the pool, whirlpool, sauna and steam room are displayed in view of the facilities, but please remember for health and safety reasons:

Members and their guests must shower before entering, and in between use of the wet-side facilities.

The whirlpool operates on an ON/OFF cycle – please vacate the whirlpool during the rest interval.

Do not use the Whirlpool, Sauna and Steam Room if you are pregnant.

Running, jumping and diving is not permitted in the swimming pool.

Fitness Facilities

It is the responsibility of members and guests to check that they are in an appropriate state of health to undertake exercise. Members must report any medical condition or injury to staff and should check with their doctor if taking any medication.

Members must not undertake physical/strenuous exercise in the gymnasium or activity studio unless they have completed a PARQ (Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire).

If your medical circumstances change, you have a responsibility to inform the Spa Manager prior to using the fitness facilities.

Qualified staff are present to design exercise programmes and demonstrate correct use of the equipment.

Members are advised to follow the programme designed for them by the team.

The owner shall not be liable for the consequences of any user who does not follow the instructions.

All users of the fitness facilities must wear appropriate footwear and clothing.

You are responsible for monitoring your own health and physical condition. If you suffer any unusual symptoms, you must immediately stop your activity and inform a member of staff.

We reserve the right to change or rename classes from the timetable without notice.


Members must ensure that their children do not enter the facilities except in accordance with the following rules:

The child access times will be detailed on the Spa Tariff. These hours may vary during bank holidays and half term, which will be communicated in the Spa with a reasonable notice period.

No children under the age of 14 years to be admitted to the facilities unless accompanied by an adult who is responsible for the conduct and safety of the child throughout their visit.

Children under the age of 14 years are not allowed to use the swimming pool or enter the sauna, steam room or whirlpool, unless accompanied by a responsible adult.

Children under the age of 14 years are not allowed to enter the gymnasium or Activity Studio.

Children under 8 may not use the whirlpool, sauna and steam room.

Children aged 8+ years must change in the same sex changing rooms


Members are entitled to be accompanied by no more than two guests and are responsible for payment of the appropriate charges on entering the Spa and must complete a registration form at the reception desk, prior to using the facilities.

The Spa has the right to refuse admission.

Members are responsible for the conduct of their guests whilst on the Spa’s premises, and must ensure that their guests comply with the Spa’s terms and conditions of membership.

Security & Safety

Instructions for all facilities are posted in plain view and must be complied with at all times. The owner shall not be liable for the consequences of a user failing to follow such instructions.

There are planned procedures for all emergencies, please follow the instructions of the Spa team.

Members are advised not to use the Spa whilst under the influence of alcohol, but are asked to be responsible when consuming alcohol by the pool.

Members and their guests are advised in the interest of security not to leave money or valuables in the Spa. The owner does not accept liability for loss or damage to personal property of those using the Spa facilities.

Property left in the Spa will be collected each evening and kept for a maximum of one month. Thereafter, the owner of the Spa will be at liberty to dispose of property not reclaimed in such a manner as it thinks fit.

By their membership, members accept and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Spa.

Members and their guests use the facilities at their own risk. It is the responsibility of those using the facilities to ensure that they are fit and healthy to do so.

The owner and its employees will not be liable in any way for the loss or damage to the property of members or guests, or for personal injury to, or death of any member or guest, except to the extent that such personal injury or death arises from the wilful act, neglect or default of the owner or any of its employees or agents.

Please use the Spa designated car parking area. Parking is free of charge. Cars parked on the hotel premises and all contents are left at members’ own risk.


Residents of the hotel have full use of the Spa and as such their children can use the Spa in conjunction with specific child access times.

Only food and drink supplied by the Spa may be consumed on the premises.

Please respect the relaxation time and privacy of other members.

Membership Bolt-on

Hotel Membership has been designed to ensure that you are able to make the most of our hotel facilities. Your 25% spa members discount is available on food, beverage and accommodation purchase, however there are some terms and conditions in place which must be adhered to:

Your Spa membership must be in LIVE status in order to take advantage of the hotel membership discount.

All bookings are subject to availability and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.

Hotel membership card numbers must be communicated at the time of making any Hotel reservation, with bookings subject to availability and members must be part of the travelling party.

A maximum of two rooms per membership can booked on any one day, subject to availability.

A credit card will be required to guarantee reservation.

A 3pm cancellation policy on the day prior to arrival applies or 100% of the first night stay will be charged.

Your hotel membership card must be presented on checkout when settling your bill. Failure to do so may result in any discount being removed.

Hotel membership cards must be presented when purchasing food and beverage within the hotels.

If dining in the restaurant, tables must be pre-booked up to a maximum of 4-weeks ahead.

Discount cannot be used in the hotels when attending any function at the bar, unless agreed in advance with the Hotel General Manager.

You are eligible to use your hotel discount when entertaining up to 3 guests per membership in the restaurant or private dining, up to a party of 6. Any additional guests will be charged at full rate.

Hotel membership discount cannot be used against Spa Membership payments.

Hotel membership discount cannot be used for Spa Treatment bookings taken Friday to Sunday.

Hotel membership discount does not apply to Thwaites Inns and Pubs. Langdale Chase is excluded.

25% discount applies to members ticket only for hotel events.

25% discount cannot be applied to already discounted accommodation rates.

25% discount applies to private dining hire, subject to availability.

25% discount applies to spa treatments taken by the spa member only.

2 Spa taster treatments are bookable between Monday to Thursday.

2 Spa taster treatments non-transferable, they are to be used by the membership holder.